Siebel Licensing – Tips from Experts

Siebel Licensing Introduction

Siebel Licensing is a nische knowledge, there are probably less than 20 people who knows this product. Luckily we are one of the few. Oracle Siebel is a customer relationship management (CRM) software platform that helps organizations manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. Siebel was founded in 1993 by Thomas Siebel, and was acquired by Oracle in 2006.

One of the key benefits of Oracle Siebel is its ability to help organizations manage customer relationships more effectively. By providing a central repository for customer data and interactions, Siebel enables organizations to better understand their customers and provide more personalized and relevant experiences. Siebel also includes a range of tools for managing customer interactions, including marketing, sales, and service capabilities.

Another benefit of Oracle Siebel is its flexibility. The platform can be customized to meet the specific needs of different organizations and industries, and can be integrated with other systems and technologies. This makes it a versatile and scalable solution for organizations looking to improve their customer relationship management.

In addition to its CRM capabilities, Oracle Siebel also includes tools for managing employee performance and productivity. This includes features such as goal setting, performance tracking, and coaching and development. By helping organizations manage employee performance more effectively, Siebel can contribute to overall organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

Since its acquisition by Oracle, Siebel has undergone a number of updates and enhancements. These have included new features and functionality, as well as integrations with other Oracle products and technologies. Oracle has also made a number of acquisitions to complement and enhance the Siebel platform, including the acquisition of RightNow Technologies in 2011 and the acquisition of Opower in 2016.

Overall, Oracle Siebel is a powerful and flexible CRM platform that has helped many organizations improve their customer relationships and employee performance. With a strong track record and a range of capabilities, Oracle Siebel is well-suited for organizations looking to optimize their customer management and improve overall business performance.

Siebel Licensing Metrics

There are several different license metrics that organizations can use to license Oracle Siebel. These include:

  1. Oracle Application User Licenses: With AUP (AUP) licenses, organizations can license Oracle Siebel for specific individuals within their organization. NUP licenses are based on the number of users who will be accessing the Siebel software, and are typically used for organizations that have a small number of users.

    Application User: is defined as an individual authorized by you to use the applicable licensed application programs which are installed on a single server or on multiple servers regardless of whether the individual is actively using the programs at any given time. If you license the Oracle Self Service Work Request option in conjunction with Oracle Enterprise Asset Management, you are required to maintain licenses for the equivalent number of Application users licensed and you are granted unlimited access to initiate work requests, view work request status and view scheduled completion date for your entire employee population. For Order Management, application users are allowed to manually enter orders directly into the programs but any order entered electronically from other sources must be licensed separately by Electronic Order Line.
  2. Processor Licenses: Processor licenses are based on the number of processors or cores on the server where Oracle Siebel is installed. Processor licenses are typically used for organizations that have a high volume of users or need to support a large number of transactions.

    Processor: shall be defined as all processors where the Oracle programs are installed and/or running. Programs licensed on a processor basis may be accessed by your internal users (including agents and contractors) and by your third party users. The number of required licenses shall be determined by multiplying the total number of cores of the processor by a core processor licensing factor specified on the Oracle Processor Core Factor Table which can be accessed at All cores on all multicore chips for each licensed program are to be aggregated before multiplying by the appropriate core processor licensing factor and all fractions of a number are to be rounded up to the next whole number. When licensing Oracle programs with Standard Edition One, Standard Edition 2, or Standard Edition in the product name, a processor is counted equivalent to an occupied socket; however, in the case of multi-chip modules, each chip in the multi-chip module is counted as one occupied socket
  3. Computer Licensing

    Computer: is defined as the computer on which the programs are installed. A Computer license allows you to use the licensed program on a single specified computer

Common reasons for Siebel customers are non compliant

  1. Assigning views to Siebel modules that the users lack license for.
  2. Not end-dating users that leave your organization or no longer need Siebel which leads to to many users having access to Siebel.
  3. Misunderstanding Siebel licensing rules and policies.
  4. Contract definitions, requiring specific licensing of Siebel modules.

A Siebel license review service is a service that helps organizations review and optimize their Oracle Siebel licenses. The service typically includes a review of the organization’s current Siebel license agreements and usage, as well as recommendations for optimizing the organization’s Siebel licensing.

A Siebel license review service may include the following steps:

  1. Review of current Siebel license agreements: The service provider will review the organization’s current Siebel license agreements to understand the terms of the licenses and how they can be used.
  2. Review of current Siebel usage: The service provider will review the organization’s current Siebel usage to understand how the software is being used and whether it is being used in accordance with the terms of the license agreements.
  3. Recommendations for optimizing Siebel licensing: Based on the review of the organization’s current Siebel license agreements and usage, the service provider will provide recommendations for optimizing the organization’s Siebel licensing. This may include recommendations for reducing unnecessary licenses, consolidating licenses, or switching to a different license metric.
  4. License reconciliation: The service provider will work with the organization to reconcile any discrepancies between the organization’s Siebel usage and its license agreements. This may include negotiating with Oracle to resolve any issues or purchasing additional licenses as needed.
  5. Ongoing support: The service provider will provide ongoing support to the organization to help it manage and optimize its Siebel licenses over time. This may include regular reviews of Siebel usage and updates to the organization’s license agreements as needed.

Overall, a Siebel license review service can help organizations optimize their Siebel licensing and ensure that they are using their software in compliance with their license agreements. By working with a service provider, organizations can better understand their Siebel licensing needs and take steps to optimize their licensing costs and minimize compliance risk.