Oracle License Review – A way to save money

What is an Oracle license review ?

An Oracle License Review is a process that helps organizations optimize their Oracle license usage and costs. It involves analyzing an organization’s current Oracle license consumption and usage, and identifying potential ways to reduce costs and optimize the use of licenses. There are several benefits to conducting an Oracle License Review, including:

  1. Reducing costs: One of the main benefits of an Oracle License Review is the potential to reduce Oracle license costs. By identifying areas where licenses are being underutilized or over-purchased, organizations can make adjustments to their license consumption and potentially save money.
  2. Improved license management: An Oracle License Review can also help organizations improve their overall license management processes. By gaining a better understanding of their current license usage, organizations can implement more effective processes for tracking and managing their Oracle licenses.
  3. Reduced risk of non-compliance: An Oracle License Review can also help organizations avoid the risk of non-compliance with Oracle’s licensing policies. By ensuring that their license consumption is in line with Oracle’s policies, organizations can avoid potential fines or penalties for non-compliance.
  4. Improved decision-making: An Oracle License Review can provide valuable insights and data that can be used to inform decision-making around Oracle licenses. By understanding their current license usage and potential cost-saving opportunities, organizations can make more informed decisions about how to allocate their Oracle license budget.
  5. Better utilization of resources: An Oracle License Review can also help organizations make better use of their Oracle licenses and resources. By identifying areas where licenses are being underutilized, organizations can reallocate those licenses to other areas where they may be more needed, resulting in better utilization of resources.

Overall, an Oracle License Review can provide a range of benefits for organizations, including reduced costs, improved license management, reduced risk of non-compliance, improved decision-making, and better utilization of resources. By conducting an Oracle License Review, organizations can optimize their Oracle license usage and costs, ultimately helping them to save money and make more informed decisions about their Oracle licenses.

How to check licenses?

Best way to check your Oracle licenses is to use Oracle LMS scripts to audit your environment. That is a replica of what an Oracle audit will show.

What are Oracle licenses ?

Oracle licenses are legal agreements that allow organizations to use Oracle software products, including databases, middleware, and applications. These licenses specify the terms under which the software can be used, including the number of users or processors that are allowed to access the software, the duration of the license, and any restrictions on the use of the software. Oracle offers a variety of different license types and options to meet the needs of different organizations and use cases. Some common types of Oracle licenses include:

  • Named User Plus: This license type allows a specific number of users to access the Oracle software. It is typically used for applications that are accessed by a small number of users, such as a line-of-business application or a departmental system.
  • Processor: This license type is based on the number of processors or cores that the Oracle software is running on. It is typically used for applications that are accessed by a large number of users, such as an enterprise-wide system or a customer-facing application.
  • Enterprise Edition: This is the highest level of Oracle software, with a wide range of features and capabilities. It is typically used by large organizations that require advanced functionality and scalability.
  • Standard Edition: This is a lower-cost version of the Oracle software that includes a subset of the features and capabilities of the Enterprise Edition. It is typically used by small and medium-sized organizations that do not require the full range of Enterprise Edition features.
  • Cloud-Based Licensing: Oracle also offers cloud-based licensing options, which allow organizations to access Oracle software as a service through the cloud. These licenses are typically based on usage or subscription fees.

Is Oracle licensed per core ?

Yes, Oracle software programs are typically licensed on a “processor” licensing model, which means that licenses are required for each physical processor or core on the server where the Oracle software is installed and running. Oracle’s definition of a processor includes both physical cores and virtual cores, so the number of licenses required will depend on the total number of physical cores and virtual cores on the server. In some cases, Oracle software may also be licensed on a “named user plus” licensing model, which requires a license for each user or device that accesses the software.

Are Oracle licenses perpetual?

Oracle licenses are generally perpetual, which means that once you have purchased a license, you have the right to use the software indefinitely. However, Oracle’s licensing policies may vary depending on the specific software product and the type of license you have purchased. Some Oracle licenses may come with maintenance or support agreements that need to be renewed on a regular basis in order to continue receiving updates and support for the software. In order to fully understand the terms and conditions of your Oracle license, you should consult the Oracle License and Services Agreement or Oracle Master Agreement that applies to your specific license.